‘My son cowers when a shopkeeper says hello’ – are the toddlers of Covid all right?

Babies born in the first lockdown are now turning two, and have only ever known a world of masks and isolation. What will be the long-term impact?

Until the spring of 2020, Rebecca Handford’s then two-year-old daughter Eadie was happily spending three days a week being looked after by her grandparents, enjoying trips out, and going to cafes.

But then came the first lockdown, and her world closed in overnight. The family, who live in a small village on the border between Cheshire and Derbyshire, felt lucky to have a garden for Eadie to play in – although, as Handford ruefully puts it, while she was trying to work from home “Mr Tumble did a lot of the heavy lifting”.

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Category: Mental Health