‘Her eyes stay shut. She doesn’t respond. But nothing feels real until I tell her’: visiting my mother’s care home after a year

For the past year, the pandemic stopped novelist Katherine Heiny from seeing her mother. Now that she can, where will she start?

In Boolean logic, a syllogism is a valid deductive argument having two premises and a conclusion. (I know this because logic is the only even vaguely mathematical class I ever understood.) For example, apples are fruit; all fruit is delicious. Conclusion: apples are delicious.

Or in my case: I am eager to visit my mother; my mother has advanced dementia. Conclusion: I am eager to visit someone who won’t even know I am there. Is it a logical conclusion? Maybe not. Is it a valid one? Yes.

Lewy body dementia has seven stages, and my mother raced through them like a gifted student not content to plod

She doesn’t know my father died last November, and I know I won’t have the courage to tell her

I asked her what she’d remember about me, and she said, ‘How much you love to talk.’ But I only love to talk to those I love. Like her

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Category: Dementia | Mental Health