Carole Satyamurti obituary
Poet and sociologist who retold the Mahabharata in verse
Carole Satyamurti, who has died aged 80, became a poet rather late in her life. She had been a sociology lecturer at the University of East London (UEL) since 1968, when in 1984, aged 45, she decided to go on a poetry-writing course at the Arvon Foundation. Two years later, to her astonishment, she won the National Poetry Competition, with her poem Between the Lines.
Her first poetry collection, Broken Moon, was published by Oxford University Press in 1987, and five further collections were published by OUP and Bloodaxe, receiving the Cholmondeley award, two Poetry Book Society recommendations and other awards. In 2015 Norton published her retelling in verse of the great Indian epic poem, the Mahabharata. For many years she taught poetry for the Arvon Foundation and for the Poetry Society.