The joy of mediocrity: we need hobbies, even if we’re bad at them, to free us from perfection | Kerri Duncan

When I focus on getting better at something, it creates room for failure. I want only carefree pleasure from my down time

I’ve been surfing for almost 20 years now, but you wouldn’t guess it if you watched me. I’m the 30-something-year-old woman frolicking in the whitewash with the little tackers, whooping when I manage to stand up on a wave like a kid cycling for the first time without training wheels. After mornings full of spectacular stacks, I’ve spent many an afternoon slowly draining saltwater from my brain. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Supportive friends and well-wishers have suggested I take lessons, offered to be my mentor, or insisted I could improve if I trained harder. The implication is if I’m passionate about something, I should also be proficient. I say thanks, but I’m happy being a below-average surfer.

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Category: Mental Health