Many men have a problematic relationship with food – and I’m one of them | Adrian Chiles
People often tell me that they don’t have an ‘off switch’ when it comes to drinking. I don’t have that problem, but it’s a different story when it comes to eating
More than half of men with eating disorders have never received treatment; a third of them have never sought it. These figures, from the eating disorder charity Beat, don’t surprise me. It’s not just a women’s thing. Seven in 10 men with an eating disorder had never heard of or read about other men being affected before they became unwell.
In the stuff I do about problem drinking, people often tell me that they don’t have an “off switch”. In other words, once they start, they can’t stop. This was never really my problem. Although I was drinking problematic amounts, on any given day, I wouldn’t carry on for ever; I’d know when to stop, a long way short of oblivion or even what you might recognise as drunkenness.